Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA

= ( CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY )"); //$todayresult = mysql_fetch_assoc($ipresult); //print_r($todayresult); //var_dump($todayresult); // just a simple loop to go through each ip returned while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ipresult)) { // we find an ip that matches if ($row['ipaddr'] == $ip) { $iperror = $iperror + 1; } } // we're okay on the ip if ($iperror == 0) { // datetime variable $phpdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO results (submitdate, ipaddr, vote) VALUES (\"" . $phpdate . "\", " . // NOW() -- Timestamp "\"" . $ip . "\", " . "\"" . $_POST["win"] . "\")"; // voted for one of 4 images mysql_query($insertQuery) or die(mysql_error()); // Direct to thank you page //header('Location: http://localhost/contest/ty.php'); //require("ty_eng.php"); //echo "

Thank you for voting!

"; ?>

Thank you for voting!

You can only vote once per day.
Thank you for participating!

The Western release of Ys VIII is almost here, and your participation is welcome! We would love to know which of the following designs you want for the reverse cover of the Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA physical editions for PS4™ and PS Vita. You only get one vote... so make it count below!

Please select a cover image!